Becoming aware of ethical ideas
e.g. noticing when something is unfair
Identifying and describing ethical concepts
Examining how ethical concepts influence my actions and outcomes
e.g. do I choose a range of players for my team in order to give everyone a go?
Critiquing generalised statements about ethical concepts
e.g. is stealing always wrong? Is freedom of speech everyone’s right?
Critically evaluating how ethical frameworks are applied in complex decision-making situations
e.g. natural law, utilitarianism, relativism etc.
Noticing what is important to me and others
e.g. I like to have a turn and so do other people
Identifying what is important to us in living as good people
e.g. is being kind and including others important to us?
Naming my moral values and how they are formed
e.g. through my family, through reflection on stories, Jesus’ teaching, life experiences etc.
Discerning when my moral values are being challenged
Continuously critiquing my moral values and where they come from
Exploring together what is the right thing to do
e.g. naming good choices
Choosing carefully what is the right thing to do
e.g. listening to what my heart is telling me, considering the consequences for myself and others
Informing my conscience
e.g. using trusted sources of wisdom such as trusted adults/friends, the teachings of Jesus or prayer to discern the right thing to do
Applying reasoning to and acting from my informed conscience
Adhering to my informed conscience with integrity in complex situations
e.g. I choose to buy clothing that was ethically made as I believe in fairness, respect and equality for workers who make this clothing
Recognising when someone may be hurt or sad
Imagining and describing the feelings of others
Acknowledging other people’s suffering from their perspective
e.g. putting myself in another person’s shoes to better understand their feelings
Managing my emotions to support others
e.g. making sure that my emotions don’t get in the way when supporting someone else
Altruistically engaging with the welfare of others
e.g. volunteering to respond to a need in the community
Expressing concern for others
Showing care and kindness
e.g. for people in need in my classroom, community or wider world
Taking action to ease the suffering of others
e.g. actions which respond to the most vulnerable people such as preparing food for the hungry
Applying self-compassion
e.g. reflecting on my own failings or mistakes with forgiveness and love
Leading others to stand in solidarity with those in need
Noticing the importance of other living things
Recognising that I can have an impact on our common home
e.g. when I am mindful of treating plants or trees as a home for animals
Valuing the interconnection we have with our common home
e.g. considering how we share, respect and protect natural resources
Acknowledging how ecological issues impact the most vulnerable
e.g. how does access to quality water impact ecosystems, animals, plants and communities?
Drawing inspiration from the positive actions of other ecological leaders
e.g. the encyclical Laudato Si’ written by Pope Francis
Caring for living things
e.g. sharing responsibility for a common plant or pet
Making choices that affect our common home in a positive way
e.g. turning off taps, using reusable containers have a positive effect on creation
Promoting a shared responsibility for caring for our common home
e.g. encouraging my family to recycle their mobile phones
Responding to complexities with resilience and hope
e.g. leading by example to combat the throw away culture
Inspiring others to be in right relationship with all of creation
e.g. collaborating with others to lead social change or raise political awareness