I am confident and a careful creator and user of ICT

Confident User and Creator of ICT

Exploring technologies through play
e.g. taking photos, using apps

Applying simple ICT skills in context 
e.g. locating a file on a device, using a search engine 

Considering appropriate tools for my purpose
e.g. which platform will be the most effective for investigating or sharing my ideas?

Purposefully utilising appropriate ICT skills and tools
e.g. video link up to access expertise, using technology to compose a piece of music

Discerning implications and possibilities of new ICTs developments 

Recognising that I can create with ICT

Experimenting with ICT as a creative tool
e.g. designing, composing, reflecting

Generating and testing ideas and options 
e.g. create a green screen video 

Transferring and adapting ideas and options
e.g. experimenting with troubleshooting processes

Investigating and applying new technologies to create solutions

Sharing ICT with others
e.g. creating, learning or playing together

Connecting and co-creating with others through ICT
e.g. exploring a website or co-editing a document

Applying appropriate strategies and protocols 
e.g. choosing the best method to use to communicate with different audiences

Evaluating strategies for effective communication and collaboration

Leading collaborative ventures
e.g. initiating an online ‘think tank’

Using ICT to help make sense of the world

Exploring ways I can use ICT for good
e.g. creating something which brings joy to others

Prioritising dignity and respect 
e.g. using positive language, alerting others to incidents of cyberbullying

Choosing actions which contribute to the common good
e.g. prioritising inclusivity, considering environmental impact

Developing new ideas with ICT which could benefit our world

Careful User and Creator of ICT

Following guidelines when using ICT

Applying guidelines to be safe and fair when using ICT
e.g. only visiting trusted sites, taking steps if I feel worried, respecting other peoples’ work

Making decisions that are safe and respectful 
e.g. recognising intellectual property and copyright, using respectful language, adhering to age limits on sites

Thinking critically about rights and responsibilities  
e.g. are the rights of all citizens being respected by my actions and the actions of others online?

Enacting ethical digital citizenship

Noticing how my ICT use can affect others 
e.g. are others feeling left out?

Being considerate of the needs of others when using ICT
e.g. volume, attention, relationships

Recognising the benefits or risks to my relationships
e.g. messages can be misinterpreted

Appreciating that my online actions can have an extensive reach or ongoing impact
e.g. one video can be used or manipulated for a different purpose

Making plans for positive social impact 
e.g. use social media to raise awareness 

Learning safe ways to use ICT

Recognising that others can see what I do and share through ICT

Applying caution with my personal information
e.g. keeping my identity private when online, protecting access to my sensitive information on devices

Minimising risks to protect my identity
e.g. protecting passwords, being alert to possible scams

Discerning my various digital identities
e.g. work identity, social identity, study

Noticing how much I use ICT

Recognising how using ICTs can affect my body or my feelings
e.g. am I being affected by what I am viewing? How is my posture affecting my body?

Responding to my physical, social and emotional wellbeing when engaging with ICTs

Applying sustainable self-control strategies for my wellbeing
e.g. adhering to limits I have set for myself around usage and engagement

Critiquing how my values are being challenged or affirmed through my
ICT use 

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