Living Learning Leading Podcasts

Arch D Radio & Podcasting

Arch D Radio & Podcasting has launched this new series that will look at all the different aspects of our Living Learning Leading Framework. 

Available on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts (and linked to soundcloud by episode below).

At the very centre of the new CESA Living Learning Leading Framework is the phrase "Thriving people, capable learners, leaders for the world god desires". We hear from Neil McGoran (CESA Director), Monica Conway (CESA Assistant Director), and Cat, Abbey & Taite (St Mary's Year 12 students) about what this means to them. We also discuss why CESA is introducing this new framework, and why now.

Listen to Episode 1.

James visits the new McAuley Community School to see what the Living Learning Leading Framework looks like in their context, and how it was used as a foundational document for the vision of the school they created. James talks with Principal Amanda Parslow & Deputy Marianne Loftus about the school's beginnings and how the Living Learning Leading framework has been brought to life within their community.

Listen to Episode 2.

James discusses the Key Capabilities Continua with CESA education consultant Annette McCard, and visits Thomas More College, talking with Principal Corey Tavella and Assistant Principal – Learning & Teaching Rebecca Baker about the process for how they've applied the framework in their school setting.

Listen to Episode 3.

James visits St Anthony's School in Edwardstown to discuss the original ways they have introduced the framework into their primary setting, including interviews with Principal Stuart Baker, R/1 teacher Kylie Travers, and reception students Ashton, Archer and Natalia.

Listen to Episode 4.

James visits Gleeson College and talks to Kate Morgante and Tom Dawson about their LLL implementation process and timeline, and through it their hope for their students to "prepare them more effectively to have that intrinsic strength and understanding of who they are as a person".

Listen to Episode 5.

For the final episode of Season 1, James visits Tenison Woods Catholic School in Richmond, talking with Acting Principal Peter Mercer, Year 2 teacher Sarah Byrne and Year 6 teacher Heather Docherty.. and then chatted with students from each of those teacher’s classes, Minnie & Leo from Year 2, and Ilija, Hudson and Olivia from Year 6.

Listen to Episode 6.

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