Key capabilities help children and young people be comfortable and confident in who they are and give them the tools to thrive throughout their lives – from the early years, through schooling, and beyond.
The Continua is as resource for children and young people in Catholic Education South Australia.
It is designed for use at any age or year level.
It invites children and young people to reflect on and show evidence of their capabilities by engaging in and drawing upon a variety of experiences both within and outside of school, and through reflection on these experiences.
You can use the Continua to reflect on learning experiences in the classroom.
For example:
when you are in the classroom you can reflect on how you “engage authentically with others” (Self aware, collaborative and socially adept) and/or “seek solutions and put ideas into action” (Knowledgeable, inquisitive and innovative).
Yes, the Continua can be used to reflect on, plan for and evidence your capabilities in all aspects of your life.
Some examples could be:
At the top of each poster is the name of the capability. There are 7 capabilities that feature organising elements, sub-elements, phases, indicators and elaborations.
This is outlined on The Structure of the Capabilities page.
Everyone learns and grows at different rates and there is no set place you should be along the Continua. Just because you are at a certain age or year level, does not mean you are meant to be in a set phase. You might even find that you are at different phases for different capabilities depending on your experiences.
Evidence is something that you can collect to show how you are developing your key capabilities. For example, you may have been developing your ability to ‘problem solve’ or ‘communicate effectively’ (Literate, numerate and effective communicators) and you have a piece of evidence which can demonstrate this, such as:
It is important that your evidence can be confirmed by a trusted adult and/or peer to ensure that it is valid and useful.
Yes, you can reflect on an experience, learning or achievement and this could be used as evidence across more than one capability. For example, when using ICT you may evidence how you are...
Both adults and peers can support you by helping you think about your capabilities, suggesting ways you could grow in your capabilities and helping you think about times they have seen you use your capabilities.